Friday, August 25, 2006


I'm trying to get her out of my system. I try not to talk to her or even greet her in the process but these things that I have been doing has been eating me up inside. I think I'm over doing it, ignoring her and all but I have to do something about it. I want to have that dignity that I have lose a long time ago. I want to feel that care-free feeling that everyone is telling me about.

I feel so alone when everything going fine. I know I should be happy for them and all that shit, but I always become a figure in the background when good things happened. I know I'm becoming bitter and all but I can't help but wonder if there is more to this life of mine.( hmmmm, that sounded like a song.).

Here am I, ranting again about my life I just wish, somebody would save me (and people would say save yourself.)

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