Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Something I did with a headache

Work has been a great opportunity for me to realize that I didn’t change as much as I thought I did. I thought that I stop caring about other people that I have become something that just exist in this earth without purpose in life. But teaching others even online has made me realize how much I love to help others and them just saying thank you to me has brought me great joy already.

I think most of the time when we get hurt, we try to run away from the things that cause us pain; we just want the hurting to stop. That why man has developed defense mechanism to overcome these problems and worries that we all face daily. However, these things are not always good.

For me example, I got hurt so many times that I don’t remember most of them and certainly not the details of those I do, but I build this wall around me that has cause me to forget on how to appreciate life itself.

Well life has a good way on knocking some senses to someone like me. It didn’t happen all of a sudden, no great apparition of angels that would tell me how good life is and that problems are just there make it beautiful and make one strong. Life made me meet many good people with lives so interesting that it made check up on my life. I saw others deal with same problems I have n different ways. It actually made me smile to realize I was normal that I wasn’t an outcast in this world, but I can actually count on others for help and I can also do it to them. As they say it, “life is wonderful”.

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